My Struggle

April 8, 2024

My two main care attendants are arguing over who didn’t change me and who didn’t clean. This is funny when you think about it. They are acting like children. I told them so in front of a supervisor. Later I emailed them telling them I like and need both of them. They have to respect each other and work together. Another attendant believes there is no food in the apartment. I hear this every day. There is food here, but she wants me to order it online and buy $300 worth of food. I used to order food online during the pandemic but I didn’t get what I ordered, so I gave it up. I enjoy getting my own food. It reminds me of my grandfather who would go grocery shopping leaving a trail of tobacco behind him. You could always know when grandfather was in the store by the flakes of tobacco on the floor and particularly the bakery. Grandfather had a sweet tooth like me. I’m a bachelor living the life. What my attendants tend to forget is that I’m an author getting ready to dump my agent. She has two manuscripts and no marketing plan. I was promised a plan a week ago and nothing. This means that she isn’t interested. She is a liar. I’ve had it with her. The question is can I give up an agent? I’m thinking about it. Who didn’t clean or change me isn’t on my mind. I could care less. And I won’t ever go hungry. My staff needs to do their jobs and leave me alone. That won’t ever happen. 

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